Do you remember the list of super foods that came out a few years ago? Blueberries, spinach, almonds – just to name a few – that were praised by all as having the essential nutrients needed for a healthy diet. Nutritionists raved about them and encouraged everyone to find ways to enjoy them every day!
Well, that fad simmered down, and currently if you try to find a list of super foods you’ll have a hard time getting doctors and nutritionists to agree on a complete list, leaving the battle to be called a super food to PR firms and manufacturers as they try to convince you that THEIR food will make you healthy, wealthy, and wise.
When you’re pregnant the importance of what goes into your mouth isn’t just about fitting into your new skinny jeans (cause that isn’t going to happen again anytime soon) but has greater implications to the healthy development of your baby. If ever there is a time to try to find the ‘super’ in every bite you take it is now! Well about 30 weeks and too many months of morning sickness ago, I started this journey. During this time I have had some successes and failures, but never before have I found a more trusted food friend and I figured it was about I stood up for my pregnancy super food!
The french-fry.
Yes, this starchy, crispy, yummy food which is best served from a drive-thru has been my super food filled with medicinal properties of healing and joy. I’m sure other pregnant woman have experienced the powers of the french-fry as your nauseous tummy has been silenced with the light brown magic-wand of salty goodness.
Somehow an ordinary potato is deep fried into perfection – helping sick pregnant woman everywhere keep their lunches in their bellies. I say we need to overlook the grease, excess salt, high fat, and other negative stereotypes that have been given to my new best friend. Granted they are all true but these truths shouldn’t overshadow a more pressing reality – they heal the nausea plagued pregnant woman and turn the frantic husband into a hero.
For too long we have watched fruits, vegetables and even nuts outshine our hidden potato gem. I say shine, potato gem, shine! Thank you for your kindness to my tummy and the extra padding you have given to my rump.
(Disclaimer: please eat the french-fry responsibly and in moderation as directed by your upset tummy. Eating too many french-fries can become habit forming. Don’t forget they contains zero nutritional value. Enjoy!)
Listen to PregTASTIC, Episode 234 to learn the Five “Must-Have” Foods When Pregnant!